In this FICO configuration fro preparing automatic postings for foreign currency valuations related periodic processing. Transaction: OBA1 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> General Ledger Accounting (New) -> Periodic Processing -> Valuate -> Foreign Currency Valuation -> Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation Tables: T030W, T030S, T030B After starting the transaction yuo will see following list related to automatic postings in foreign currency valuation process. On double click you have to first choose a Chart of Accounts The next screen is where you can enter your GL accounts for the related processes according to your needs. …
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Configure Automatic Postings | OMWB
In this FICO configuration activity we are able to define account determination for automatic postings made in Materials Managemend (MM) module. In this activity you are also able to check the configuration of accounting determination. Transaction: OMWB IMG Path: Materials Management -> Valuation and Account Assignment -> Account Determination -> Account Determination Without Wizard -> Configure Automatic Postings Tables: T030, T030W, T030B, T001K On the first screen you will see a screen similar to following. Click on cancel to go to other screen. Go to Account Assignment. You could go there directly through Transaction code – OBYC. On the …
Read More »Define Accounts AR Valuations | OBB0
In this FICO configuration activity you are able to define accounts for account receivable items revaluation. Transaction: S_ALR_87002693 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Closing -> Valuate -> Valuations -> Define Value Adjustment Key Table: T044G, T030U, T030B On the main screen you see a list of procedures. Double click on flat-rate individual value adjustment. Before proceeding, choose chart of accounts. On the next screen you could maintain your GL accounts according to your needs. If you choose “Posting Key” button on the above screen you will see and be able to maintain debit …
Read More »Define Accounts for Payment Differences (Manual Outgoing Payment) | OBXL
In this configuration activity we are able to define GL Accounts on which payment differences will be posted. They are defined per chart of accounts and are able to be dependent on reason codes. Transaction: OBXL IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -> Business Transactions -> Outgoing Payments -> Manual Outgoing Payments -> Overpayment/Underpayment -> Define Accounts for Payment Differences (Manual Outgoing Payment) Tables: T030, T030B, T030R On the first screen you have to choose chart of accounts for which you want to define accounts related to reason codes. In the current settings …
Read More »Define Account Determination for Real-Time Integration | OK17
In this configuration activity you have to define account determination when you have integration between CO and FI. What is usually recommended is to use single reconciliation account where you could track easily the balances. Keep in mind that this configuration is based on controlling area as the flow is from CO to FI. Transaction: OK17 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (New) -> Ledgers -> Real-Time Integration of Controlling with Financial accounting -> Define Account Determination for Real-Time Integration -> Define Account Determination for Real-Time Integration Table: T030, T030B When you start the transaction …
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