In this FICO configuration activity you are able to define transaction types for transfers. Transaction: AO76 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Transactions -> Transfers -> Define Transaction Types for Transfers Tables: TABW, TABWT, TABWG, TABWH, T003, T003T, T856, T856T, TABWQ, TABWR If you use the IMG, you will get following selection screen. In our case we want to choose the first one. *The second option is accessible through AO75 On the main scree, there is a list of existing transaction types for transfers related to retirements. On double click or new entry you will see following options.
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Define Transaction Types for Retirements | AO74
In this FICO configuration activity we are able to define transaction types for retirements related to asset accounting. Transaction: AO74 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Transactions -> Retirements -> Define Transaction Types for Retirements Tables: TABW, TABWT, TABWG, TABWH, T003, T003T, T856, T856T, TABWQ, TABWR If you start the transaction from IMG path choose first option to choose the main activity related to it. After entering into the transaction you will see a list of transaction types related to retirements. On double click or New Entry, you will get following options to enter or change.
Read More »Define Transaction Types for Acquisitions | AO73
In this FICO configuration activity we are able to define transaction types for acquisitions. Transaction: AO73 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Transactions -> Acquisitions -> Define Transaction Types for Acquisitions Tables: TABW, TABWT, TABWG, TABWH, T003, T003T, T856, T856T, TABWQ, TABWR If you open the transaction through IMG Path you have to choose first option. When you enter into the main screen you will see a list of defined transaction types. If you double click on some or use New Entries button then you will move to the following screen.
Read More »Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation | AO71
In this configuration activity we are able to specify document type for posting of depreciation. It is assigned per company code. Transaction: AO71 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting ->Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Post Depreciation to General Ledger Accounting -> Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation Tables: T093C, T003, T003T, T001 If you open the transaction through IMG Path you will get following selection screen. If you choose first option you will go to “Define Document Types” Choose the second option to proceed with the main activity in this post. Following is the …
Read More »Define Document Types for Cash Journal Documents | OBA7
Int this configuration activity you are able to crate document type which will be used later when posting in cash journal. Transaction: OBA7 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Bank Accounting (Business Transactions) -> Cash Journal -> Define Document Types for Cash Journal Documents Tables: T003, T003T In the first screen you will see the list of all transactions. On the screenshot below you will see how the standard document type for vendor invoice is defined. Maintain based on your requirements.
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