It is not unusual for the SAP Consultant to make international transfers of money on a regular basis. In a matter of fact, I am going to be in the same situation from January 2016 when I will make transfers to my family every month. Making International transfers is not a cheap activity. Usually, the fees and the exchange rates are outrageous. For those reasons, the founders of Skype created a new online service called Transfer Wise (if you use the like you will get your first transfer up to 3000? for free). One of the investors in the service is …
Read More »Non-SAP
Moving to the UK and a New Domain Name
I haven’t been active on the blog for the past month as my focus was on something else. The division I work at is in transition to another company and for that reason, I’ve decided that it is a time for a change. The details of my decision are explained in the second part after my thoughts on why I moved the blog to another domain name ( -> New Domain Name Starting with why I moved the blog to another domain I can clearly say that was and still is a great domain. The only thing that it …
Read More »A Few Updates About Me
I have not been very active in the blog for the past two months, but many things have happened to me in that time. I became a father of a wonderful baby girl and a member of CIMA (UK). I also got an attractive SAP job and now I am attending a few SAP official trainings thanks to my new employer. Becoming a father is wonderful experience and there is nothing in the world which I can compare it with. The name of my princess is Maya and she is a real cutie :). Anyway, every parent says …
Read More »How much is our time really worth?
Time is the most limited factor for every professional trying to catch all the knowledge that he or she needs. This fully applies for everyone who is trying to enter and persuade SAP related career. Learning SAP is endless process of investing personal time in reading, thinking and practicing. On the other hand everyone needs spare time to get rest and be productive on the next day. Having time for friends & family and for every other thing which you like is critical success factor to your happiness. This also includes passionate SAP followers who …
Read More »Hello world!
Welcome to my blog. My name is Emiliyan Tanev and I am experienced accountant and financial controller with certifications from CIMA (UK). In this blog I will write about SAP functionalities, tips & tricks, news and other things related to this industry. I have ERP implementation and support experience with OpenERP and Openbravo systems as well as more than 5 years SAP FICO user experience. If would like more information about me, read my story page.
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