In this FICO configuration activity you are able to define the business transactions for cash journal. They are defined per company code as most of the cash journal configuration activities. Transaction: FBCJC2 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Bank Accounting (Business Transactions) -> Cash Journal -> Create, Change, or Delete Business Transactions Tables: TCJ_TRANSACTIONS, TCJ_TRANS_NAMES When you enter into the transaction you will see a list of all transactions defined in the system. From here you can create, change or delete business transaction per company.
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Set Up Cash Journal | FBCJC0
In this configuration activity we are able to define cash journal id per company code as well as additional parameters for document types which will be used in those postings. Transaction: FBCJC0 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Bank Accounting (Business Transactions) -> Cash Journal -> Set Up Cash Journal Tables: TCJ_C_JOURNALS, TCJ_CJ_NAMES When you open the transaction you will see a list of all predefined items. Maintaining a new entry is done in the same grid.
Read More »Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Documents | FBCJC1
In this configuration activity we are able to define number range intervals for cash journal documents. Transaction: FBCJC1 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Bank Accounting (Business Transactions) -> Cash Journal -> Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Documents Table: NRIV In the first screen you have to choose Company Code on which you will maintain number ranges. On the following screen you will see the defined number ranges.
Read More »Define Document Types for Cash Journal Documents | OBA7
Int this configuration activity you are able to crate document type which will be used later when posting in cash journal. Transaction: OBA7 IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Bank Accounting (Business Transactions) -> Cash Journal -> Define Document Types for Cash Journal Documents Tables: T003, T003T In the first screen you will see the list of all transactions. On the screenshot below you will see how the standard document type for vendor invoice is defined. Maintain based on your requirements.
Read More »Amount Limit – Cash Journal
In this configuration activity you are able to define maximum amount limit when you post cash journals. You could define it for all company codes in the client or only for a particular one. This is useful feature as in many countries there are government limits about the cash payments where you are not able to pay an invoice which is more than a certain amount. IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Bank Accounting (Business Transactions) -> Cash Journal -> Amount Limit Table: TCJ_MAX_AMOUNT When you open the transaction you could see a list of …
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