When I jumped to learn BPC BADI ABAP a year ago, I struggled to find an easy tutorial to create a simple BADI which I can understand. I am certain that every consultant willing to embark on this journey had these challenges in the beginning. Based on the above, I want to give you a quick tutorial on how you can create your first UJ_CUSTOM_LOGIC BPC BADI. If you want to learn BADIs, it is detrimental for the success to create a very simple one gradually increase the complexity. While the post looks quite long, actually …
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SAP BPC Logic Script Course
In the last two years and a half, I had a long journey developing my Logic Script Skills. I went from being a complete beginner to a confident expert in that time. Starting with Logic Script was not easy as there were no materials which can give you even sufficient foundations. Because of that, I decided that it could be helpful to record a course on Logic Script that will help every newcomer to learn pretty quickly all important ways of implementing this proprietary SAP language. I have managed to create a course more than 4 hours long where anybody …
Read More »Top-Down Planning in SAP BPC
SAP BPC is handling by default the so-called Bottum-Up planning by using the hierarchy capabilities of the Dimensions. It is normal planning scenario where departments plan on the lowest level and later it is aggregated to a company and group. It is nothing special and nobody will be surprised by that. However, sometimes you might be asked how to do a Top-Down Planning in SAP BPC. Top-Down Planning is characterised by setting a target budget of a Company or Sub-Group level which is later allocated to the business units underneath. By default, SAP BPC can hold data only …
Read More »SAP BPC Common Mistakes in Logic Script
Logic Script is a powerful proprietary language used in SAP BPC for logic execution. While it is widely used in almost every BPC implementation, especially for the Planning Models, there aren’t many resources teaching you on best practices or how to write it correctly. The official SAP BPC420 BPC Administration course is covering only marginally how the Logic Script code should be written. Therefore the majority of the consultants are learning by doing without tutor guidance. The so-called “Trial and error” method. Check my page to get a proper SAP BPC Logic Script Course. Unfortunately, there …
Read More »SAP HANA Home Server PC Build (Energy Efficient)
In my last post, I wrote about my intentions to build another PC Build which I planned to use for SAP HANA and SAP BPC experiments. The server has been running already for few months, but because of the busy working and private schedule, I was not able to share any updates. After having my previous server for a little over a year, I understood that running a PC 24/7 has an enormous impact on the electricity bill. Therefore my aim was to build power efficient training server which I can run non-stop with marginal impact …
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