There are many tutorials over the internet about installing SAP IDES installation, but most of them are missing some details. In this tutorial, I will try to put all the information that you will need for installing SAP IDES on fresh Windows Server 2008 R2 OS install without a need for any technical knowledge. As I already wrote earlier, without access to real SAP ERP IDES system, it will be impossible to develop your SAP skills and knowledge. If you read this tutorial, you probably have access to following software packages: OS: Windows 2008 R2 …
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My favorite SAP Transaction – /nex :)
On several occasions during my workday I have cases where many I am logged in many SAP Systems. Sometimes it could happen that I have several productive SAP systems and several testing systems as well opened in parallel. While I am using the possibility to show the System name and client identification in the windows menu task-bar it is not helping me so much. I always get to the point where I should at least close the productive systems quickly before I move to some creative stuff :). The standard way is to click and close one by one …
Read More »Show Drop-down Technical Keys in SAP ERP
In addition to displaying transaction codes in the SAP tree you could also display technical keys in the drop-down lists. There are cases where the programmers or consultants will implement logic for automatic derivation of something based on purchase or sales order type or something else. In such cases end-users are usually using the full names where the programmers or the consultants will use mostly the technical keys. It could happen that for the duplication in the name of order type, but with different key as following example from IDES System. In these …
Read More »SAP Consultant’s Tools – Greenshot
Every professional which is working on business solution projects is faced with the responsibility to provide clear and understandable documentation. Having only text in your manuals is boring. Probably you will lose your readers in several minutes. To prevent that, you should include visualizations which gives much better representation of your thoughts and knowledge which you would like to distribute to others. Users understand the content of your documents much better when you provide visual representation of the written text. Making screenshots of what you are doing is usually done either by just hitting the “Print …
Read More »How to Show Technical Names (Transactions) in the SAP Tree
There are users which use SAP tree to find the program/transaction they would like to run. There are also another type of users which mainly use transaction codes directly in the SAP command field. I am not going to debate in this quick guide whether you should use one or another path. I will also not argue on the pros and cons of both approaches. Initially, your sap tree and related transactions will look like following: When you don’t have technical names, you could find the technical name by looking at the status menu at the …
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