In this FICO configuration activity we are able to maintain number ranges for internal orders. Transaction: KONK IMG Path: Controlling -> Internal Orders -> Order Master Data -> Maintain Number Ranges for Orders Table: NRIV On the main screen you have three buttons for different options related to maintaining number ranges for internal orders. Intervals (Display) Intervals (Edit) NR Status
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Define Order Types | KOT2
In this FICO configuration activity we are able to define internal order types. Transaction: KOT2 IMG Path: Controlling -> Internal Orders -> Order Master Data -> Define Order Types Tables: T003O, T003P, TKO01 On the main screen you will see following. Detailed or New Entry screen will look similarly to this.
Read More »Define Cost Center Categories | OKA2
In this FICO configuration activity we are able to define cost center categories. These categories control what information is saved on the cost center accounting module. Transaction: OKA2 IMG Path: Controlling -> Cost Center Accounting -> Master Data -> Cost Centers -> Define Cost Center Categories Tables: TKA05, TKT05 On the main screen you will see following list of cost center categories.
Read More »Create Cost Elements | KA01 / KA06
In this transaction we are able to create manually primary and secondary cost elements. Transaction: KA01, KA06 IMG Path: Controlling -> Cost Element Accounting -> Master Data -> Cost Elements -> Create Cost Elements Tables: CSKB If you use the IMG menu you will get following pre-selection screens which will forward you to the correct transaction. Because both KA01 and KA06 have similar screens I will not show them independently. Basic data Indicators Default Account Assignment History
Read More »Create Batch Input Session | OKB3
In this FICO configuration activity we are able to create a batch input session for creating cost elements. Transaction: OKB3 IMG Path: Controlling -> Cost Element Accounting -> Master Data -> Cost Elements -> Automatic Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements -> Create Batch Input Session Tables: CSKB On the main screen you have to maintain controlling area and valid from and to to set the parameters. Then you have to process it. Following is what I got as result. The next thing you should do is to execute the created batch with transaction SM35.
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