In this FICO configuration activity we are able to specify account assignment types for account assignment objects. Transaction: ACSET IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Additional Account Assignment Objects -> Specify Account Assignment Types for Account Assignment Objects Tables: AAACC_OBJ, T093, T093_ACCOBJ, TABW, T093T, T093_ACCOBJT, TABWT, T093C, T001 On the first screen select a company code and move to depreciation area. In the depreciation area view select a area and jump to account assignment. On the last screen you can maintain account assignment object settings according to your requirements.
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Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger | OADX
In this configuration activity you could define how depreciation areas post to general ledger. Transaction: OADX IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Integration with General Ledger Accounting -> Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger Tables: T093, T093T, T096, T096T Initially, you will have to choose chart of depreciation after starting the transaction. On the main screen you will see the list of defined depreciation areas. Detailed view of the depreciation area setting for the selected chart of depreciation.
Read More »Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class | OAYZ
In this configuration activity we are able to determine depreciation areas in the asset class. Usually in one asset class, we use the same depreciation terms. Here we are making the default settings for them. Transaction: OAYZ IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Valuation -> Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class Tables: ANKA, ANKT, ANKB, T093, T096, T094A, T082A, T093T, T096T, T094T, T082H, T093A, T090NA, T090NAT On the main screen you will see following. Mark one of the asset classes and the jump to “Depreciation areas”. In the depreciation areas screen there are following options.
Read More »Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms | OABD
In this FICO configuration activity we are able to specify transfer of depreciation terms. Transaction: OABD IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms Tables: T093A, T093, T093T, T096, T096T After starting the transaction you will have to choose a chart of depreciation. On the main screen you will get following options.
Read More »Specify Transfer of APC Values | OABC
In this FICO configuration activity you are able to specify transfer of acquisition and production cost values. Transaction: OABC IMG Path: Financial Accounting (New) -> Asset Accounting -> Valuation -> Depreciation Areas -> Specify Transfer of APC Values Tables: T093A, T093, T093T, T096, T096T When you start the transaction on the first screen you will have to choose chart of depreciation. On the main screen you will get following.
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